The first day of kindergarten I was so nervous.I don’t know why the law is that students have to go to school.Okay so I got my backpack told my mom bye then boarded the big yellow bus.
When I got to school I went to my classroom got my pencil and was ready to work well a little.I had to sit next to a guy named Mason W,and a girl named Leigha V.She said’’hey’’ I didn’t know what to say so I just smiled up a storm.And then the class got a paper.About how to write your name.I was a stud well not at my G’s anyway.’’Grant Grant’’wake up stop daydreaming the teacher said.Beeeeeeeep yay! everyone yelled.PE PE I said whats pe then a girl named lisa P said its where we peg people with balls, yes I said.
So when we got back from p.e.We did planners.Everyone switched planners I gave mine to mason and I got leigha’s planner.If you were good you got blue if you were okay you got yellow if bad you got red and if you were the worst in the class you got purple don don dah.I got a blue from mason and gave leigha a red she started to cry then I said know I was kidding.
Next we had nap time I slept 15 straight minutes.Then Beeeeeeeep that bell scared the heck out of me.I nearly wet my pants.Everyone said schools out.That was the best day of my life.Even though you are nervous you have to be brave.