One time I made it to the ALLSTARS In baseball.Because one of the players quit so the head coach came to my house and said what number do you want I said 16.The coach said okay and said welcome to the team Grant.I said thank you for letting me come and play with you on the Allstars .So he let me try on a few jerseys.I got the medium size jerseys.He said we are going to a tornermant in a few weeks so I asked him when is practice he said monday,tuesday,and thursday. So I got my bat and gear ready. So I went to all the practices and we are going to the tornerment now. We won all of are games and we are going to State. The first game we got beat by texarkana north. Then we had to play against Texarkana South I was up to bat and nobody hit the ball and made it to base so I was kind of scared. The first pitch was lost I looked up and it was flying so I ran as fast as I as I could. And it bounced in right field I got a single and the first hit of the game. Then everybody on my team was doing better. But we lost 18 to 17. Thats my favorite sport to play now other than football and other sports to play.