Myth and Facts about Tobacco

Myth- Smoking is not a drug problem

The nicotine found in tobacco products is very addictive. The power of nicotine addiction has been compred to cocaine and herion addiction. It does cause withdrawal symptoms such as irritabillity, insomnia, and nervousness. *special note caffine drinks, coffee, and alcohol will increase one’s craving for tobacco. *Special note Tobbaco users can suffer from nicotine poisoning. The signs of nicotine poisoning are dizzyness, nausea, and diarrhea.

Myth- Only adults smoke cigarettes

90% of smokers started when they were teens. The average age of someone to start smoking is 13. The average person begins to use smokeless/spit tobacco at 12-25 years of age. So most likely tobacco users are teens not adults.

Myth-Once you are addicted to tobacco, there is no use in trying to quit using. The damage is done.

When a person quits smoking/dipping the body will start to repair itself. Blood pressures and pulse rates go back to normal range after 20 minutes of not using tobacco. Nerve endings start growing back and lung function improves after one week of not smoking. After 10-15 years of not smoking risks of all tobacco realted diseases are greatly reduced. *Special note, it takes an avergae of people to quit after there 5th try to quit.

Myth- Smoking helps my body relax

nicotine is a stimulant. Stimulant keeps your body up; they they do not calm your body down. Plus, no other drug keeps a user as busy as smoking.

Myth-Smoking will help my body lose weight or I will gain weight if I quit smoking.

For new smokers and old smokers about one-third gain weight, about one-third lose weight, and about one-third stay the same weight. In weight loss, it is much smarter and safer to exercise and make postive changes in your diet than to use tobacco products. *Special not, The idea of cigarettes = weight loss comes from a tobacco company’s advertising campaign from the early -mid 1900s. What’s a better way to get a person’s attention than to say you will look better and lose weight easily if you use are product. Something to think about – why are most “Women’s” cigarettes called “slim” or “light”.


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